Below is the company profile of Tharak Industrial Automation for your review. We believe it provides insight into our capabilities and makes a compelling case for considering us for any automation projects within your esteemed organization. Tharak Industrial Automation is proud to be an Authorized Channel Partner of INVT India Ltd, specializing in a wide array of Industrial Automation Products such as AC Drives, DC Drives, PLCs, HMIs, SCADA systems, and AC Motors. Our partnership allows us to offer top-notch solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring the best performance and efficiency. With a focus on quality and reliability, we guarantee timely delivery and prompt service, ensuring that your operations run smoothly without any interruptions. Whatever your automation requirements may be, Tharak Industrial Automation is dedicated to providing you with cost-effective, comprehensive solutions that meet and exceed your expectations.




Tharak industrial automation solution

AC DrivesGD200A VFD4

DC DrivesGD20- 09 VFD


Servo DrivesDA180 SERVO drive

Solar Pump DrivesGD20 VFD






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